CHALLENGING DAYS? BE CREATIVE! - European Commission Skip to main content
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WORTH Partnership Project
  • News article
  • 20 April 2020
  • European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency
  • 1 min read



These days the world is facing and unprecedented moment, that leaved people and companies disoriented and exposed; that’s why managers are challenged to find new ways to ensure the health of businesses while dealing with the potential consequences. A solution may come from social media networking opportunities, they offer indeed a very easy way to create connections and share ideas. So, managers are becoming very creative!

To take all the best from the quarantine Arianna Lai, for example, created MitinRoom, a digital room where people can find practical info that will be helpful to relaunch their projects and professional life.

Another wonderful example of creativity comes from Fabrice Jonas, CEO and founder of MyFashionTech, decided to launch a series of Instalives to understand how the Fashiontech industry can reinvent itself in this situation. Every evening at 7 p.m he’ll chat with a different guest to provide guidance to ensure the health of businesses while dealing with the potential business consequences.The voices involved will be many and will offer an interesting overview. Are you curious? It is possible to follow his live chats on his Instagram account @fabrice_jonas.


Publication date
20 April 2020
European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency
News Type
  • Inspire
  • Worth News