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WORTH Partnership Project
The UK’s international organisation for cultural relations and educational opportunities

British Council

Ambassador: British Council
WORTH Community
  • Ambassadors


In 2016 the British Council launched an ambitious sustainable fashion programme which aims at fostering the exchange of good practices among creative minds in Europe.

The programme has been developed in France, Greece, Spain and the UK, around three strands. First, workshops and mentoring sessions have been organised to train designers and to gather the future leaders of this industry. Second, awareness raising has also been a key element of the project and has been achieved by organising lectures, showcases and meetings in order to allow the general audience to have a better understanding of the sustainable fashion sector. Third, the programme has fostered the creation of a fashion network developed through a number of networking events across Europe

So far 150 designers have participated in and benefited from this initiative in France, Greece and Spain and they have gained insights into creative development, business models and communication strategies.