Ceu Filipe - European Commission Skip to main content
WORTH Partnership Project
  • Director Of The Innovation Department At Aep, Chair Of The Cultural & Creative Industries Sector Group, And Coordinator Of Aep's Participation In The Horizon 2020 Project, Innovation Journey

Ceu Filipe

Ceu Filipe
WORTH Community
  • Ambassadors


Céu Filipe has a law degree from Universidade Católica Portuguesa and is a lawyer.

She is the Director of the Innovation Department at AEP – Portuguese Business Association, CCI, which is involved in several European projects, including the Enterprise Europe Network (a European Commission initiative to support SMEs in becoming more innovative and competitive in international markets), the EURES Network (a European cooperation network of employment services designed to facilitate the free movement of workers), as well as several other projects, particularly those related to the Blue Economy, Tourism, and, most recently, Public Procurement.

Céu is the Chair of the "Cultural & Creative Industries Sector Group," which includes 94 experts from 20 different countries, working on the eight pillars of the European Industrial Ecosystem for Cultural and Creative Industries, as defined by the European Commission in 2021. She is the national representative of the European Textile Sector Group.

She coordinated AEP's participation in the Innovation Journey, a Horizon 2020 project aimed at leveraging the management and innovation capacity of SMEs so that they could access European and international markets in a competitive and sustainable way.

Céu was a member of the AEP Studies Department, where she monitored and analyzed legislation, support, and incentives of interest to the business community.

She also co-authored several AEP publications, namely: Monthly Economic Report; Vidago Business Days; Investing in Entrepreneurs - the Key to Development; and A New Ambition for Portugal.

Céu was also part of the team of the Portuguese Employers’ Confederation (CIP), including participation in the Technical Team responsible for drawing up and implementing the "Making Urban Regeneration Happen" project, as well as participation, on behalf of CIP, in the Parliamentary Committee that monitored the Urban Lease Reform.

She collaborated with Business Europe in areas related to Better Regulation, Consumer Marketing, and Public Procurement.