Cumulus Association - European Commission Skip to main content
WORTH Partnership Project
  • International Association of Universities and Colleges of Art, Design and Media

Cumulus Association

Ambassador: Cumulus Association
WORTH Community
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Founded in 1990 and recognised by UNESCO since 2011, Cumulus is the only global association and network to serve art and design education and research. It is a forum for partnership and transfer of knowledge and best practices around the world. Cumulus consists currently of 286 members from 57 countries.

Founded by the University of Art and Design in Helsinki (UIAH) (currently Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture) and the Royal College of Art in London, in co-operation with Danmarks Designskole, Gerrit Rietvelt Academy, Universität Gesamthochschule Essen and Hochschule für Angewandte Kunst in Wien initiated Cumulus as a network in 1990. They all had a common desire to enhance the quality of education through co-operation, student and teacher exchange within the European Union Erasmus programme.

Cumulus aims at building and maintaining a dynamic and flexible academic forum which would bring together top-level educational institutions from all over the world. Cumulus collaborates not only with institutions and organisations from the field of art, design and media; the encouragement of co-operation with industry and business is important as well.

Following current trends and demands, Cumulus offers wider international context for discussion and developments in education and research of art, design and media.

  • Among the core tasks of Cumulus are the assistance to academic institutions of art, design and media in their development and in enhancing their contribution to society; promotion of a dialogue between Cumulus and international professional organisations such as World Design Organization (WDO), IFI, ico-D, BEDA and others; promotion of a dialogue between Cumulus and national and international academic institutions and associations; encouragement of co-operation between higher education networks in art, design and media and the development of effective networks; promotion of co-operation between academic institutions of higher education in art, design and media and the world of business; offers the Members of the Association the information about the educational, research and cultural policies of different countries and the EU; initiate joint projects such as competitions, exhibitions and awards to promote innovative work in art, design and media.  

To stimulate design actions, projects and research leading to a more sustainable society, Cumulus representatives signed the Kyoto Design Declaration in March 2008.