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WORTH Partnership Project
  • News article
  • 20 August 2018
  • European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency
  • 3 min read



We would like to introduce the members of the WORTH support team that have been with us from the very start, offering their professional expertise and experiences to the WORTH Partnership Project first call winners and will continue with the future project applicants. It is therefore with great pride we introduce some of the WORTH Mentor team including:

Janos Keresnyei: Creative director of the media agency Kerko Media Kft.

Janos was born in Pécs, Hungary with a broad range of education including teaching, journalism, PR economics, film-and Tv production, film commissioning, intellectual asset management, economics (MBA, MSc). He also has 25years of media managements with a local TV and radio station and is now the creative director of the media agency Kerko Média Kft and is also the co-founder of Creative Industry Cluster in Hungary and continues as their president. He also has great coaching experience as he works as a coach in the Horizon2020 SME Instrument Coaching program and is known as an expert in intellectual asset management. Interested in media and transmedia production, movie making, innovation management, mentoring and coaching. To find out more about his experiences and career, follow the link to his profile here

Aniela Hoitink: Founder of NEFFA and MycoTEX

After Aniela completed her Fashion Design degree at the Utrecht School of Arts, she works for various fashion companies which include both Tommy Hilfiger and Gaastra. With the experience she had through that period in her career she was able to launch NEFFA in 2014. The company’s name refers to ‘wanting to do things a bit differently’ and the brand was based on Aniela’s belief that distinctiveness and individuality in people and materials are the elements that make the world a very interesting place. She assists companies, research institutes and universities with support by helping them to integrate their (bio) technology into textile prototypes and designs. She is also currently working on a new company MycoTEX where she is changing the whole production process; from developing materials to producing custom-fit garments based on a 3D moulding process. Find out more about her work and how she can assist WORTH applicants here

Mark Terberg: Co-founder of Dutch Fashion Foundation, director at National Thinktank

After Mark received his education in Environmental Health Sciences, at University of Maastricht he began to work within business development for over 15 years. He is the co-founder of Dutch Fashion Foundation, the director of National ThinkTank, Impact & Project Management at I’M Terberg for clients such as Marie Stella Maris, TrustedFamily, TEDxBinnenhof and Dutch Fashion Foundation, and is the Strategic advisor for the Netherlands Enterprise agency, assisting Dutch (creative) SME’s in the international development of their business. Mark currently works towards New Fashion Entrepreneurship developing new ventures, to bring fashion supply and demand together, internationally. Further to this he continues as Board Member of Nova Figura Foundation, assisting victims of breast cancer with customised wearable tech solutions to maintain their ideal and feminine silhouette at accessible price. Find out all about his great career and experiences through his WORTH profile here

Nerea T. Ruiz: Lecturer at IED (Instituto Europeo Design) and Sae Institute

Nerea graduated from Universidad de León in Industrial Engineering and is now an entrepreneur and Project Manager, focused on the 3rd industrial Revolution Technologies, Industry 4.0 and Smart Factories. As a disruptive innovator she has been taking part in the International Network FabLab from MIT(Massachusets Institute of Technology) while working on industrial projects in the Automotive Industry for the OEM Nissan and SEAT. Her projects are based on innovation, sustainability, arts and technology; and her skills in advanced manufacturing and rapid prototyping technologies (as 3d printing, electronics and digital fabrication), are fully developed. Further to this Nerea has taught as a professor in masterclasses and workshops around the world for over 18 years. Today she is a lecturer in IED (instituto Europeo de Design) and SAE Institute. Find out more about her career and experiences through her profile here

For further information on WORTH Partnership Project members click here.


Publication date
20 August 2018
European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency
News Type
  • Worth News