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WORTH Partnership Project
  • Project


A WORTH partnership project with Pinkponilo (HU) and Vienna Textile Lab (AT)


The message of the project

The project focuses on the application of novel microbial dyes on responsibly sourced wool and the creation of a modular and adaptable garment design, which is gender-neutral in order to increase its usability throughout its life.​ The project partnership aims to develop a prototype using an improved wool fabric alternative with additional layers of sustainability during its production and design process. ​

​Although wool may be perceived as a non-innovative material, the natural properties of the fibre make it a perfect and scalable material. Such properties include warmth, antimicrobial and odour resistance and it’s an easy-to-care material. The innovation lies in the creation of a prototype using sustainable processes from sourcing until the end of use, while considering inclusion, well-being and consumer engagement. The project cares about regional sourcing, animal well-being and a fully transparent supply chain based on trust.

BIOWOOLNESS offer a circular and holistic solution. Functionality, aesthetics and sustainability aspects are equally important in our process.

The idea behind the project

The BIOWOOLNESS project aims to create a garment prototype that supports circular economy, through circular design that enables an increase in its life and length use; sustainability, by using an innovative biobased dyeing process and less waste pattern making; responsible regional sourcing and production, by selecting a wool supplier that cares for the sheep and regional spinning; inclusion and well-being, by creating a modular, gender neutral design and selecting a colour and materials that are soft & calm to promote well-being. 

What next?

The project researched the wool markets, the origins of the usage, the wool’s role in contemporary design (as durable, recyclable and biodegradable material), sustainability factors and problems of the mass industry, the different natural colours of the wool (from white to black), and its good effects on health and skin. There are many controversial discussions about the wool’s role, so they did extensive research to make sure they understand and protect animal rights. Another wing of the research was made on colour psychology (how the effect on emotions has been studied empirically and theoretically since at least the 19th century) and chromotherapy history. The colour & materials will be soft and calming to promote well-being.


Projects Edition
  • WORTH Partnership Projects II
Project Call
  • 2nd Call Projects
Project Sector
  • Textile and clothing
Project Challenge
  • Circular Economy



Elizabeth Rodriguez Bringas


Anna Kudron
