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WORTH Partnership Project


A systemic approach to build Bio-regional hemp value chains for climate-positive textiles in the Leicestershire textile district (UK).


The message of the project

Addressing climate change and seeking more sustainable approaches to production and consumption are pressing concerns in the contemporary era. This project provides solutions by simultaneously focusing on the textile and agricultural sectors, and taking action at both product and process levels through:

  • the development of a novel fabric, SHEMP, tailored for the fashion industry, constructed from post-consumer wool and hemp;
  • the creation of a visual model for a circular textile ecosystem that interlinks various value chains;
  • repurposing shivs (hemp waste) to craft sustainable materials for the construction sector.

The idea behind the project

This project, at its core, champions the potential of hemp, natural fibers, and agricultural practices within a systemic design framework. It aims to sequester CO2, enhance soil fertility, and establish additional revenue streams for farmers through carbon credits, all while safeguarding biodiversity.

The fashion and interior industries currently heavily rely on petrochemicals and unsustainable raw materials. There is a pressing need for diversification in textiles and improved disposal solutions. This is why the project has chosen to invest in industrial hemp, which presents numerous economic opportunities for creating climate-positive textiles and generating additional revenue streams for various industrial sectors, including agriculture and construction.

To achieve these goals, the project will operate on both process and product levels. On the process side, it will develop a comprehensive and visual model that maps the entire value chain, connecting farmers, fashion and interior brands, and other industrial sectors through the newly established hemp value chain. This model will present information clearly and comprehensively, motivating future manufacturers and farmers to embrace a scaled-up process. On the product side, the project will offer a tangible demonstration of the potential of hemp, showcasing what positive and locally-produced fashion can become.

What next?

The ultimate objective of the project is to establish a local ecosystem wherein farmers and various producers along the value chains can collaborate to expand the production of hemp textiles in a locally-rooted and regenerative manner.

Through this initiative, the manufacturer and the designer aspire to initiate a regeneration movement involving farmers, environmentally conscious textile manufacturers, and buyers in the interior and fashion industries. Their vision is to encourage investment in natural fibers for the purpose of environmental restoration, biodiversity promotion, and the advancement of bioregional economies.

Projects Edition
  • WORTH Partnership Projects II
Project Call
  • 2nd Call Projects
Project Sector
  • Textile - Fashion
Project Challenge
  • Circular Economy



Eliana Ferrulli, designer


Vanessa Barker, manufacturer - Papillon Bleu

United Kingdom