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WORTH Partnership Project

Not 2 Forget

Reminder bracelet

Not 2 Forget

The project

RemBrandt remember Bracelet.

To develop a multi-use bracelet with a minimalist design, which is programmable and set up to adopt a wide range of existing solutions like apps and Smart textiles already available.

The Remember Bracelet (RemBrandt) project will develop a programmable bracelet that provides haptic feedback to the user. Many apps and wearables aim to notify a user through a phone which is often out of range. A smart bracelet helps to remind the user of pre-programmed calendar items. The bracelet can be synchronised with calenders on a smartphone. It will have a high market penetration across the domains of lifestyle, vitality and health. The minimalism and style of the product attracts a wide audience.



Not2Forget is born through research. A user group of patients with chronic problems expressed their need for ‘something’ to remind them of their regular pill intake. Kinetic Analysis, the product initiator genuinely decided to support these patients and to improve their daily life.

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The CEO of Kinetic Analysis designed the first draft of the concept, with his team validated the
concept with the patients’ users and build the development team around it. The reminder should be discrete, easy to use, simple but yet efficient. A bracelet, yes, with embedded electronics that can easily create notifications and give a gentle vibration – a reminder to support a demanding day from not forgetting important things.

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Here comes the moment of truth! We had a validated concept for an innovative product that people would love to have. We had the miniaturized technology to make it work.
We needed an innovative product designer to develop a solution that embraces the concept and  delivers a SMART product. At this point, we joined forces with Marikworld Ltd from London, and we started the exciting journey to give birth to ‘NOT2FORGET’.

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The collaboration offered a lot to the overall process and results because we merged three different worlds to achieve greatness. Science, technology, and design. We wanted to build a smart bracelet so we acted alike focusing on SMART criteria by being Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-Bound.
All involved parties were experts so we could speak the same language and decide collectively.
The entire team is well-tuned and balanced.

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The future looked bright. The original ‘Forget me not’ is a fashionable reminder bracelet that uses haptic feedback to notify people about things that they don’t want to forget.
We imagine NOT2FORGET to scale up and being used by thousands of people globally. The primary goal is the audience with a regular pill intake and diabetics.
It is about an all-weather and all styles bracelet that helps the mind to ease from forgetfulness.
A stylish bracelet with embedded electronics that can easily create notifications.
The smart bracelet gives a gentle vibration – a reminder to support a demanding day by not forgetting important things. It is a highly water-resistant leather design that can cope with all-day activities. ‘Forget-me-not’ improves people’s quality of life by empowering the mind’s absence.


We would be interested to collaborate with companies that have developed and successfully launched ‘agenda/calendar/ notifications apps to join forces.

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Projects Edition
  • WORTH Partnership Projects I
Project Call
  • 3rd Call Projects
Project Sector
  • Textile
Project Challenge
  • High-performance materials


Kinetic Analysis

Kinetic Analysis is a data science company, closely involved in smart textiles development and active in the health and vitality market. They started collecting data in 2011, and over time, the process became more automated, resulting in the use of a wide range of wearables. They started developing Smart textiles and wearables in 2015.

Kinetic Analysis
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MarikWorld Ltd.

MaRik is an innovative thinker and idea generator. She designs innovative products, softwares and applications, illustrates original concepts, mixes new technology with traditional media and experiment new ways of art expression.

MarikWorld Ltd.
Postal address

United Kingdom