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WORTH Partnership Project
Researcher, Industrial Designer and Business Development Manager at CETMA, Research and Technology Organisation

Ubaldo Spina

Steering Board Member: Ubaldo Spina
WORTH Community
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Researcher, industrial designer, and BDM at CETMA (, where he works dealing with design research projects and design and innovation management services. Consultant for many startups, SMEs, and large enterprises, focusing on the management of new product development processes and the supply of advanced services in conceptual and strategic design, engineering, prototyping, and IP protection. He had several international experiences in the main student and work exchange programs, Erasmus, Grundtvig, Relate, EID, and projects carried out within the community programs Interreg, IPA, Framework Programs, RTD, and Horizon. On behalf of the Joint Research Center of the European Commission, he co-edited the report "Innovation Ecosystems in the Creative Sector: The Case of Additive Manufacturing and Advanced Materials for Design." EU expert in research of "Emerging Technologies for Design" and mentor of the WORTH Partnership Project since the first call, he is a member of the “Research for the Enterprise” Commission of ADI - Association for Industrial Design. His working group has received several ADI Design Index awards, including the Honorable Mention Compasso d'Oro ADI in 2011 and 2016. Teacher within the Master educational activities of “Il Sole 24 Ore”, he coordinates the Design page of “Il Giornale dell’Architettura” as well as the journalistic columns “SOS Design” (Design for Emergencies), “Design&Startup” and “Professione Designer”.