Fulvia Bacchi - European Commission
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WORTH Partnership Project
  • General Manager UNIC – Italian Tanneries CEO - LINEAPELLE

Fulvia Bacchi

Steering Board Member: Fulvia Bacchi
WORTH Community
  • Steering Board Members


Fulvia has been the General Director of UNIC since 2016 and the CEO of LINEAPELLE (International Exhibition) since July 2017. She is also the CEO of ICEC (Institute of Certification) and a member of the Italian Leather Research Institute's management board (Stazione Sperimentale Pelli di Napoli). Fulvia has worked in the UNIC Group (a Confindustria Association) since 1973 in the areas of corporate strategy, marketing, and international marketing, assisting Italian tanning companies in their international expansion and managing external and institutional relations. 

She founded LP Fashion Studio, an innovative showroom devoted to emerging trends in leather fashion, and it provides a unique dynamic resource for all designers and researchers in the leather sector, particularly those concerned with the industry's sustainability. Fulvia has established and supported the tanning business by advocating and carrying out programmes and projects to make the industry more advanced, concerned with the environment, health, and the ethical economy.